Healthy Lifestyle in Modern Times Healthy lifestyle in modern times is very important in order to avoid various diseases, the body is always healthy and fit. Healthy lifestyle that needs to be considered, including always pay attention to diet, exercise, rest and healthy lifestyle. There are several tips for creating a healthy lifestyle in this modern era such as: A healthy diet Eating fruit juice and vegetable juice Drink plenty of water Regular exercise Get enough rest with good sleep quality. Gaya Hidup Sehat di Jaman Modern Gaya hidup sehat di Jaman modern ini sangat penting sekali supaya bisa terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit, badan senantiasa sehat dan bugar.Pola hidup sehat yang perlu diperhatikan, diantaranya selalu memperhatikan pola makan, olah raga, istirahat dan gaya hidup sehat. Ada beberapa tips untuk menciptakan gaya hidup sehat di jaman modern ini seperti: Pola makan yang sehat Mengonsumsi jus buah dan jus sayuran ...